What to expect from Bioniko?

You are considering investing your time in to training with Bioniko models and you want to know what Bionko can deliver and what it can not, right?
Well, Bioniko are the best synthetic eyes on the market (in our opinion) but still they have some limitations.
Bioniko models are not made of human tissue. Really.
Therefore they do not feel like human tissue. When you are putting trocar in to Bioniko sclera it feels noticeably harder than human tissue. When you are operating with phaco tip in Bioniko anterior chamber there is friction between rubber cornea and rubber phaco sleeve. It is really easy to lessen this friction with a little drop of oil- but you need to know it exists.
Bioniko works like LEGO blocks.
Once you have any starting kit you can buy whatever part of it you have used. If you invest in Romano head it will work with all sets. Each anterior chamber holder has different purpose but also each can be substitute for others.
All the anatomical details- you’ll find them
If only you are using right model you will find there all anatomical details relevant for procedure given. Lets use cataract model as an example. If you are not careful enough with phaco tip while removing cortex you may tear posterior capsule and see red reflex. What a bummer! No stress this time because it is not real human ???? Maybe you want to use this opportunity to practise anterior vitrectomy?
If you have chosen to develop your skills toward glaucoma treatments you may have difficulty with visualising Schlemm canal and practising gonioscopy. Just go for SCHLEMM model you will find there great Schlemm cannal with surrounding structures. It is also good for basic gonioscopy. For even more realistic gonioscopy experience go for Gonio model as it includes cornea.
Hand- eye coordination manoeuvring area
Coordinating your movements while looking through the microscope it is not easy task to master. Not at microsurgical level, with stress of having real person sight on your hands (sic!). With Bioniko you can practise as much as you like and no one will get harmed. So take it easy and make mistakes, incisions, capsulorhexis, sutures, stop, chop, aspirate, tear, scrap, peel… So when the day comes to perform operation one thing you do not have to worry about is your manual skills.
We keep fingers crossed for you,