About us

Who we are
We are an experienced team of specialists who have been providing everything necessary for performing ophthalmic surgeries for over a decade. wetlab.store is a place dedicated to both seasoned microsurgeons and future specialists who wish to develop their skills in the field of ophthalmology, both in the operating room and beyond.
The future is now!
We cannot ignore the fact that in the era of modern technological possibilities, surgical training can rely on far more advanced methods than ever before. That is why we have decided to create a comprehensive offer, enabling the safe and repeatable improvement of microsurgical skills. Our training station allows for the necessary learning to participate in a mission of critical importance, where the main goal is to improve patients' vision.
Keeping up with the times and utilizing modern technology, we are pleased to present a wide range of products aimed at both novices and experienced specialists in ophthalmic microsurgery. We offer synthetic eyes that allow for the enhancement of skills in ophthalmic microsurgery, sutures in various sizes, surgical instruments, comprehensive training kits, and the Microsurgery Proficiency Unit (MPU) - equipped with a high-quality microscope, digital display, adjustable tabletop height, and electric control.
With our products, everyone will be able to perform simulated ophthalmic procedures with maximum realism and effectiveness.